Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update from 11/9/09 appointment

I know I said I wasn’t going to update until next week, but we had a long conversation with the Midwife (Kelly) at this appointment. We had many questions, like what happens if my water breaks and we are driving around, or I am at work. She basically said you are going to drive right here whether you have Mackenzie or not and if she comes, we will watch her until someone can get her to pick her up.

Kelly had some other information for us that I though could be another positive thing. She said that I have had such a good pregnancy so far, no problems. She also said that usually with these babies, the mother has high fluids, which I don’t. What that means we are not sure, but I thought it sounds like it could be a good thing. (Maybe that is why some of them go into pre-term labor?)

I was feeling a little crappy this past weekend, and Monday at the appointment. While on the monitor, they did say that I was having some small contractions and that could be why I wasn’t feeling the best. She said it is nothing to worry about unless I really start feeling crampy or contractions coming faster. I told her I don’t really feel the contractions, it’s just more of a crappy feeling. I feel better now, just uncomfortable.

I asked Kelly about when I should work up until, because I wasn’t sure if they wanted me to work right up until the induce date (tentative 12/2/09 still) or not. She wanted to take me out, my last day being 11/20/09. I said, can we see how I feel at my appointment on the 23rd. I would rather have more time after the baby is born than before. So she may take me out of work around Thanksgiving.

We have a sonogram next week, so I will update everyone then. They should be able to tell what is up in the chest cavity, and how much she weighs at that point.



  1. Everything sounds positive- and it's important that you stay that way as well. :) December 2 is just around the corner! Good luck and can't wait to hear the weight! :)

  2. From my understanding the concern with the fluid levels can be related to going into premature labor and just the general discomfort it causes the mom . With CDH it is brought by the baby not swallowing as much fluid because of the defect and parts not being where they are supposed to be. So, that could be a good sign that Briana's doing what she should be so far!! :-) Praying that things continue going smoothly and remember, if you find yourselves in Syracuse before expected and need anything we are a phone call and 20 minutes away!! Take care!
